Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's already March??

Where oh where did February go?? I am sad to say I didn't finish "Quilt of Super Awesomeness" in time for Valentine's Day. I'm STILL quilting it. Hand quilting is by far my favorite, and is super relaxing...usually. However, I have so many projects I want to start on, but made the resolution this year to not start a new project without finishing the prior one first. Wow this is a hard resolution craft-wise! I cut the pieces for one of my sister's quilts and arranged them on my design wall. I have not (and will not) start sewing them together until I finish Hannah's quilt. So, in the mean time I have drawers full of new fabrics that are calling, no screaming, my name and the quilt on the design wall begging me to sew it together. The temptation is too strong...

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